Monday, October 15, 2007

The run scares me

The swim: I can do it. Barring shark attacks, jellyfish, high waves, or a really bad current, I know I can do this within the cutoff.

The bike: My arse is gonna hurt like it's never hurt before. As long as I pedal, pedal, continue to pedal, and pedal some more and take limited potty breaks here or there (no wasting time! Can't afford to waste ANY time.) I can do it.

The run: Man oh man, the run is gonna hurt. I did 16 miles today. I did not swim or bike beforehand. My legs really hurt for the last few miles. I wasn't out of breath, my heartrate was in a great spot, my legs and muscles just hurt. That's not necessarily anything living and training at altitude will help with. When I finished, I really could not fathom starting my run on tired legs, and then doing 10 more miles. The run really, really scares me. (The good news is that my legs were just painful the first 20 minutes after I stopped running, and then they felt okay. Recovery is going well.)


Anonymous said...

Alright Turtle, let's go over this again. If it takes you two hours to do the swim, fifteen minutes to transition, 7 hours thirty minutes to ride and another fifteen minutes in transition, that puts you at ten hours of racing time. That means you will have SEVEN hours to complete the marathon. You can run (or walk or crawl, whatever) 16 minute miles and still finish before midnight. You can (and will) do this!

Unknown said...

Keep in mind your doing this for yourself. Your doing it to prove to yourself what you can do and it wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't hard. You are going to look back on this race and smile and say I did it.