Thursday, April 19, 2007

Biking is back!

Coach told me to do some walking--up to two hours at a time. Funny how I normally hate running and wish I could walk. A part of me can't wait to get pregnant just so I can walk instead of run and not feel guilty about it!
Thing is, now I have no desire to walk. It's just gonna take me forever to get where I want to go if I walk. I want to run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run! Run like the wind!!!! (If only I could bottle this emotion and open it every time I needed a little running motivation--do you know how much I would be willing to pay to have a little pill that gave me this same desire to run when I actually can run?)

I went and lifted some weights last night. Back is doing much better. The ribs still cry with certain movements. I still had some weight exercises I couldn't do. I went home and put my bike on the indoor trainer for 45 minutes. I sat upright the entire time and it felt great. I tried to lean over a few times and it didn't really bother me. So I put the bike on the trainer again tonight, only tonight I leaned over most the time. No real problems. Yeah!

Looks like I might be able to hit the Platte trail this weekend for a short bout. Rules I must remind myself: you can only ride the Platte (it's the only flat place I know) and you are not allowed to ride longer than an hour lest you overdo it!

It's only one sport of the three, but every little bit helps, right?

Game on!


Unknown said...

Hey, Lori great to hear you are doing so much better. I could tell you seem happier. Which means EVERYONE is happier! Yea! Love you lots

Anonymous said...

Patience young Jedi. You will be fully recovered soon enough for you to do all of the running, biking and swimming you could ever care to do.

Keep writing, everyone enjoys reading!