Sunday, May 20, 2007

Week summary 4/20/07

Yeah! This is one of my new greatest friends, Deanne. She's a teacher I work with and one of the reasons switching to teach at the middle school was a good move for me. Today was Deanne's FIRST half marathon!!!! I jumped in and ran with her the last mile, because I thought that might help the last mile go quicker, but I have no doubt she could have done it by herself. She reminds me of my friend Amy a lot. She's extremely stubborn. She may not have trained enough, but if you tell her she can't do it, she'll work that much harder to prove to you that she can. Now if I could just talk her into doing triathlons with me...

This is my friend Chris. This was his second half-marathon and he even trained for it this year! Unfortunately the beautiful Spring weather called his name a little too loudly yesterday and he did a ton of yard work, lifting bricks, etc. and it got the better of him this morning. That's a lesson to us all! Don't do anything excessive the day before a race!!! He was only two minutes off his time from last year, so he still did really well. I can't wait to see what he does next year! (wink wink Chris is also single and one of the nicest guys I know!)

Because Greg and I absolutely love stuff like this. We volunteered to sherpa for them while they ran this morning. It was a lot of fun for us. We cheered for our friends and several complete strangers, too. I know how much I appreciate random cheers when I'm racing.

It was an early morning though. The race STARTED at 6 a.m. That's earlier than most of our triathlons! We looked at it as good practice. The only bad part was my need for sleep this week. My training definitely made a huge jump this week. It's Sunday night and my body is completely aware that I did more than I've done in a long time this week. I'm so looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. My #1 goal for the coming week-Get more sleep!!!!

Workout Summary for the week of 4/14/07 - 4/20/07:

Swim - 1.47 miles

Bike - 49.36 miles

Run - 11.25 miles

Walk- 1.67 miles

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