Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Race Report: Bolder Boulder '07

What an absolutely great day! We had beautiful weather. We had thirty-three friends and friends of friends meet beforehand, carpool to the race, and then enjoy a great BBQ afterwards. We had people dressed like a charging bull. We had people dressed like they were running with the bulls. I found two people that didn't mind running my pace for 6.2 miles--one was even such a good friend she was willing to dress like me! (We got lots of cheers along the way, too!) The Memorial Day tribute brings a tear to my eye every year...It was at this event six years ago that Greg and I first said, "I love you." This truly is a special event. This year didn't hold back. I had to laugh when I went to work the next day and a coworker did her first Bolder Boulder. She exclaimed, "I don't know how you do what you do! That was hard!" I've never thought of it as hard--I mean, it is, but you just don't think about. You just do it because 50,000 other people are doing it too! Nonetheless, the Bolder Boulder was just as fun as ever with its free beer, sprinklers and garden hoses, belly dancers, Elvis impersonators, slip and slide, and even the free bacon! It was missing two very important things this year... We missed our friends Matt and Dani who now reside in Texas and Kirk and Gina whose little baby girl (okay, BIG baby girl 8lb.8oz!) decided to say her welcome to the world at 3:30 a.m. on this glorious day! Thanks to all our friends that made this such a wonderful day! We can't wait to do it again next year!

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