Saturday, March 8, 2008

Summer vacation plans 2008

After doing the Boulder Peak triathlon for something like 5 years now (I forgot exactly) we're now thinking about skipping it this year....

We know we need to sign up ASAP because it's close to filling... but maybe we will just do a couple other events this year and do a roadtrip this summer instead...

The Boulder Peak is on July 20 this year.... (also about the same time that the week long Ragbrai bike festival in Iowa will be starting!) We're thinking about road tripping across the country and maybe doing some volunteering for a little race up in Lake Placid on July 20 this year instead... Yeah, you know... One of those races that goes until midnight... And then everybody stands in line for hours the next day to register for the following year.

My husband is all for it. I said I wouldn't sign up... Because we want to get pregnant... But really!? Can I really watch it and NOT want to sign up????

It's all talk right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would loooove to do Lake Placid - too bad NZ is so far away. We are planning a trip with the kids to Florida in a few years, so maybe I'll do IM Florida instead.

So many cool things to do, so little time to squeeze them in - happy deciding!