Give credit where credit is due... Today's post is a total rip off of the hillarious blog, Stuff White People Like. Each day this guy adds one more thing that white people like. He goes on a fantastic rant about it, and I dare you not to read it, identify with it, and not wet your pants laughing.
Andra Sue pointed this blog out. She's one of those people in blogosphere that I wish I could meet in person because I think she'd be a great friend. She's funny, a real world triathlete (like you and me), and she's left many a nice comment on my blog. Anyways, she compiled the list for us... And I've since copied it on to my own site with comments about myself... Because this is really fun! How white are you???
Color coded for your convenience:
Green: I'm totally white
Yellow: Some of my best friends are/do, so I'm white by association
Red: Not white enough
#1 Coffee – Just not my thing, but the friends sure do... And believe it or not... My middle school kids are total Starbucks junkies!
#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to – Not really sure what I am at this point.
#3 Film Festivals – in college I enjoyed the occasional sick and twisted animation film festivals
#4 Assists - Look it up, it's funny.
#5 Farmer’s Markets – Yep.
#6 Organic Food – I do and will.
#7 Diversity – Um, yeah. Except in the school district I currently teach in. But I did my student teaching in the Detroit Public School system. I can check that card.
#8 Barack Obama – He'll get my vote if he makes the big ticket.
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside – Total whine fest if I'm inside and it's nice outside.
#10 Wes Anderson Movies – Not me, but I bet Matt does.
#11 Asian Girls - I'm exempt from this one.
#12 Non-Profit Organizations - It's all good.
#13 Tea – Husband LOVES tea.
#14 Having Black Friends – Do extended relatives count?
#15 Yoga – Pilates, too.
#16 Gifted Children – Teach them, was one.
#17 Hating their Parents – Don't hate them, but do blame them for some issues. Slow athletic genes being one of them.
#18 Awareness – I'm a teacher and a democrat. Need I say more?
#19 Traveling – Love it.
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture – I hope I don’t do this one, but I bet I do.
#21 Writers Workshops - Busted! Not a favorite hangout, but I did just go to one recently.
#22 Having Two Last Names - Not me. The shorter the better.
#23 Microbreweries - Of course Fat Tire was another good reason to move to Colorado.
#24 Wine – Not really my thing, but my circle of friends are really into it.
#25 David Sedaris – Matt, do you know this guy?
#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!) - Exempt from this, too. But I've done the downtown metropolitan thing a couple times in my life. Now I'm the ultimate white person... I live in the burbs!
#27 Marathons – First one this past year!
#28 Not having a TV – Unfortunately I thought this was very cool a few various times in my life. Now I find it annoying that I'll be in a circle of friends and I know absolutely nothing about the random pieces of history that my friends are talking about because I didn't own a television during those years. Not a good thing in hind sight.
#29 80s Night - Realized I was falling for my husband that crazy night when he was dressed in his Pee Wee Herman costume and I in my big hair...
#30 Wrigley Field - My brother loves the place.
#31 Snowboarding - Only because I thought I had a hangover the next day, and it turned out to be a concussion. I've stuck with the true Eurocentric high dollar winter sport: skiing.
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism – Married one.
#33 Marijuana - NO
#34 Architecture – Can't comment due to the fantastic reputation of the suburb I live in.
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report – Guilty.
#36 Breakfast Places – I'm too cheap, but the friends love to do this.
#37 Renovations – Bless me now. This is how I knew my marriage would last.
#38 Arrested Development - NO
#39 Netflix – Been there, done that. I've now upgraded my laziness to just ordering pay per view.
#40 Apple Products – My school is all Apple products. Bless my white suburban district.
#41 Indie Music – Guilty of it in college, not so much anymore. Can't deny that I like some of Tim's favorites.
#42 Sushi – Husband loves it. I'm converting.
#43 Plays – Not number one on my list, but I like them.
#44 Public Radio – Feel guilty for not listening to it more.
#45 Asian Fusion Food – I'm cheap so I don't go out much, but I can't kick it.
#46 The Sunday New York Times - Nope, and I don't think I have any friends that do.
#47 Arts Degrees – Gotta love this: I have an Associate of Arts. a Master of Arts, and Bachelor of Science (in Art!)
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops – AKA "Whole Paycheck"
#49 Vintage – Swing dancing phase in college. Whoo-ee! It was fun!
#50 Irony – Kind of negative concept, but I have actually been sucked into this conversation a couple times recently in my white circles.
#51 Living by the Water – Been there, done that. Traded in for the mountains instead.
#52 Sarah Silverman – Not white enough I guess.
#53 Dogs – Love them.
#54 Kitchen Gadgets – I'd much rather have bike and tri gadgets. But my friends all have the big Cuisinart something or other on their countertops.
#55 Apologies – I own it.
#56 Lawyers – Wouldn't the world be a better place if we didn't need them?
#57 Juno – Heard it was great. I have reservations for personal reasons.
#58 Japan – Hmmm. No.
#59 Natural Medicine – Spent two hours researching acupuncture last night.
#60 Toyota Prius - NO, but I would.
#61 Bicycles – Um, yeah... Four bikes, two people... Yeah, it's true, I was at the bike shop just yesterday.
#63 Expensive Sandwiches – Not very often, but when I do... They really DO taste better!
#64 Recycling – Sure.
#65 Co-Ed Sports – I have some really good memories of my Detroit Sport and Social Club Leagues... Ah... The good ol' days... Met my husband on a coed volleyball league.
#66 Divorce - It's not for me, but unfortunately I do have friends that have been into this.
#67 Standing Still at Concerts – I'm sure I have.
#68 Michel Gondry - Not me, Matt, you in for this?
#69 Mos Def - Not white enough apparently.
#70 Difficult Breakups - Been there, done that.
#71 Being the only white person around – Original article spoke to being the only white person in a restaurant. I did one better. I lived in a remote African village for three months in college.
#72 Study Abroad – See #71.
#73 Gentrification – hee hee. Better not make comments here... But read the original. It's funny!
#74 Oscar Parties - Matt's name sure has popped up here a lot, hasn't it? I'm thinking Matt must be REALLY white!
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada – I really DO like Canada! If only it weren't so cold there...
#76 Bottles of Water – Okay, I'm into Nalgenes. See #64.
#77 Musical Comedy – I was gonna say no, but Weird Al and Adam Sandler apparently fall into this category. And well, they make me laugh a lot.
#78 Multilingual Children – I support it.
#79 Modern Furniture – Not me, but the husband likes it.
#80 The Idea of Soccer – Late twenties... Co-ed leagues... and traveling... Check.
#81 Graduate School - Admittedly, a grad degree in education really shouldn't be put in the same category as Kirk's soon to be MBA, but I can associate...
#82 Hating Corportations - I love that the original blog sites that white people must "NEVER, EVER mention Apple Computers, Target or Ikea in the same breath as... Wal*Mart, McDonald's, Haliburton" (pee your pants moment there!)
#83 Bad Memories of High School - Making homecoming court, good... Hopping into corvette to ride around field during halftime, slipping and exposing breast to entire crowd, Bad.
#84 T-shirts - Where them anytime I can. But they can't be mom t-shirts, in the same category as mom jeans... That's bad.
There you go... Apparently I'm pretty white.
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man oh man oh man. yes, matt knows from david sedaris. and yeah, according to this list, he's so white i'm surprised we don't all have to wear sunglasses to look directly at him.
You are TOO MUCH! LOL LOL! (I love dani's comment too).
Let's see:
and Yes.
I guess I'm white. All those who are shocked please see a eye doctor.
And I'm also honored to get props 3 times in 1 blog post.
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