Thursday, August 2, 2007

It started.

Today I had to sit in a CPR/First Aid training class from 8 - 4:30. It was the type of class that really could have been condensed into 3 hours max. I'm required to have the yearly certification to be a coach at my middle school. And I'm not complaining about taking it, because I don't mind the refresher. But geez, it took ALL day, and it really didn't need to.

I had the gym bag in the car and immediately went straight to the pool. I got about 1000 yards in to my workout when the 10 yr. old swim team came in and took over the pool. They have to leave one lane open, but it's the lane that all the non-swim team 10-yr.-olds like to splash around in. And apparently, I was definitely in THEIR way. I was suppposed to do sprints, too. And sighting practice and sprints just don't go hand in hand. I gave up and got out.

I got a quick bite to eat and went to school to work in my classroom from 6:30 - 10:00 p.m. Who was I really kidding when I thought I would leave school and hit the rec center at 10 p.m. to finish my run for today?

Boy, is my summer triathlete lifestyle in for a rude awakening.


HAR said...

Those darn little ten year olds. Don't they know when someone has a schedule to follow?
At least you did some work in your classroom.

Tea said...

Same thing happened to me. I was at the rec center last night until closing.