Friday, August 24, 2007

I am an Ordinary Mortal

Two thoughts for the week:
1) I am an ordinary mortal. I am not Super Woman. I am not AquaMan.

Think about it. What other sport allows ordinary mortals to be in the same event, at the same time, on the same course as super human athletes with unbelievable strength and speed? Okay, rumor has it you might see Lance Armstrong on the Ragbrai course--and that's about as ordinary mortal as you can get! But the NFL? MLB? No chance you'll ever be on the field at the same time as David Beckham. Just not gonna happen!

2) Dealing with missed workouts is very much like dealing with the stages of grief. First, you're in denial. "I'll get up and do it tomorrow. Really I will." When it doesn't happen, you get angry at yourself. Stupid, stupid girl!!! Argh! Then, you start to get depressed. Who did I think I was? How did I ever think I could possibly do this crazy thing called triathlon? Lastly, you accept that you missed the workouts, and you just have to move on and do better next week. You have to.

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