Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Get off the computer. Now.

Well, the posts are gonna become fewer and far between. I shouldn't even be playing on here now, but, what the heck. I've got a million things running through my head, and I'm procrastinating my workouts anyways.... Hey, perhaps that's why we bloggers enjoy blogging so much afterall. It's not for the camaraderie (ok, a little), it's not so we can look back and see where we were and how far we've come (ok, some), and maybe it's not even so much about giving my family that lives 2000 miles away a chance to see what I'm up to (but it's a perk). I think I've realized that blogging just gives me a reason to procrastinate my workouts!!! Hmmm.... On this particular afternoon, I think I have hit the nail on the head!

School is about to start and I'm a queen freaker-outer. I've been dropping in to school every day to try to make my workload the first couple of weeks easier on myself. I still have a lot of work to do before the kids start. Sigh.... (Note to self----Do not start freaking out yet. Do NOT start freaking out yet!)

Talked to my coach today, and he encouraged me to do another local half ironman in September before my Ironman Nov. 3. He said it would be "A confidence booster". I'm not really seeing that. I'm seeing it as a another reason to freak out... but we'll see. Perhaps the fear will help me to really stay focused on my training once I go back to work. I know last year I started out strong the first week of school, but my workouts quickly dwindled to nothing as I spent many 12 hour days getting things figured out that first month of school. I can't let that happen this year! C'mon Turtle! Get off the computer and either do some lesson planning or GO WORKOUT! NOW! Before you start freaking out again!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Thanks for all the cereal mom!

My dad worked at Kellogg's for 30+ years and I'm the lucky benefactor of Kellogg care packages once or twice a year. It was a life saver when I was in college! Apparently my husband learned the glory of Ramen in college, but never cereal. He's in hog heaven right now!

1 comment:

Tea said...

Hey....does that mean you might do Harvest Moon? It'll be my first HIM.