Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm gonna do a tri

A whole bunch of triathlete blogger people are doing Ironman Coeur D'Alene today. It's been really hard to read all of their blogs this week remembering what an awesome experience Ironman was for me. I envy each and every one of those people.
Add to that, a bunch of teachers I know that that have signed up for their first, a big local all-women's triathlon... Tri for the Cure.

My husband did it. He's the one.
"Why don't you just do it with them?"
"Because they know I did an Ironman and will have all these ideals on how good I should be, but in reality I haven't been training... What if they beat me?"
"Who cares? It's just a sprint, do it!"
"Um.... Y'think I should? I was trying to cut back this summer. Okay. I'm in."

I have no Boulder Peak this year, no 5430 series, I have nothing... So now I have Tri for the Cure. And I'm honored that I get to do it with several fine ladies that I know and love.


Anonymous said...

Yea!! Good for you! You'll kick bootie w/o even trying!!

Anonymous said...

Tri for the Cure sounds like a worth while race regardless of being fast or not.

I know what you mean about peoples expectations. I'm constantly being told I will "kick butt" at races just because I did an Ironman - did no-one see my finish time!!!???It's not like I did it FAST, I just did it.....

Have fun training for it anyway!