Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why husbands are good

Well, my husband is great, but I (will continue to) digress...

He informed me the other day that he signed up to volunteer for this...So he can see this guy in first place again...
With a possibility of seeing this guy...

And of course I found every reason in the world why we can't go to California mid February where he has already signed up to volunteer because "It just sounded cool."

He's right. Sometimes I need to not think every last detail out about every last thing. (I wouldn't be a good school teacher though if I didn't think and/or plan about how every minute of class will go or could go wrong.) Of course if I take two days off in February, that detracts from all my good teachered-ness... Right?
I found round trip tickets for $185, taxes included. Hmmmm....

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