Merry, Merry holidays to anybody that just happens to be reading this!
My husband and I had a wonderful Christmas with our family this year. I hope you did too!
Have you ever heard the phrase, "God, please let me be the person my dog things I am?" I haven't done much since the Ironman... But if I could be anybody at all... I'd say, "God, please let me be the athlete that my coworkers think I am." Ha! I haven't done much working out since Ironman the first of November, but boy do some of my coworkers love to have fun making up workouts that I supposedly do in my free time these days... "She probably goes home everyday and runs 9 miles on the treadmill since it's snowing out. Then she probably runs 3 more miles backwards. Yeah, and then...." Boy, do I wish I was the person they think I am... ha!
Thing is... I'm not going to be that person that they think I am... I'm instead going to be "THAT" person. Y'know... The ones that you've never seen at the gym, and then suddenly on Jan. 1 you can't get a treadmill because "those" people are hogging up the machines. Yep. that's going to be me this year. I've done a few workouts here and there recently, but not much. I've eaten a whole lot of cookies, and gotten a whole lotta extra sleep though! I'm going to get back on the horse at the new year. I normally detest THAT person. But this year... I own it. I'm going to be one of the reasons the treadmills are busy when you go in on Jan. 1.
Thanks to Chris because he now has me all signed up for my first race of 2008. The Colfax half-marathon! Can't wait Chris!!!!! Chris and I are pretty even paced, too. Could be interesting!!!
Happy New Year everybody!!! May your 2008 be happy and healthy!!!!
I send sincere love to all my friends and family. I am a very blessed person.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
Happy New Year!
Enjoy the half! They changed the route this year, and it will be SO much better.
btw-I bet the people at the gym are wondering who the heck that superwoman athlete is....
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