Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My first Super Tuesday!

I did it! I completed my first Super Tuesday!!! Today I biked 12.15 miles, swam 2250 yards, ran 3.5 miles, and then lifted weights! Ha! I did the bike in the morning and all the other stuff this evening--but had I done them all back to back in a rushed sort of way, I would have done a sprint triathlon today!

The only sad part is that my coach wrote my swim as taking me 45 minutes. (It took me an hour to complete that distance...)

The best part of today? I came home and at my coach's request, I had to eat a lot of small meals... Only a meal at 10:00 at night doesn't sound all the appetizing, but a chocolate banana soy protein shake sounded wonderful! And it was! (I guess I'm kind of sitting aside with a "Huh" when I think that I've become a person that enjoys protein shakes at the finale of my workouts... Who is this person I'm becoming????)

1 comment:

matt said...

Chocolate banana soy, maybe it's a colorado thing. I would argue that you always were that person, but who knows. I may be wrong.